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The Temple of a million Years
ISBN: 87-991527-7-0

More than 25 Pictures and images illustrated in this guide book, is from Karima's Private archive.


CHAPTERS, in The Temple of a million Years:

  1. Sety I.
  2. Imhotep, not the only one.
  3. Sety I Temple.
  4. The Seven chapels.
  5. The Nine Rooms.
  6. Seshat and Thoth.
  7. The Temple of a million Years.
  8. Reference

Abydos Temple Guide book by Karima LachtaneGet a rare mathematical insight to the importance of this temple. This guide book gives you a clear new idea, as to why so many pharaohs and priests visited this temple. It is truly a treasure that cannot be moved. 

The ancient Egyptian knew what would last and what could be hidden, their words are written in stone. This book works like a geometrical and numerology substance to the temple of Sety I at Abydos. The map of the temple, offers a unique insight to ancient Egyptian work with numbers.

After you have read this book, you will be able to see the total harmony, that the ancient created by the building itself. A remarkable achievement considering, our own modern standards, which crumble in the lights of these ancient monuments.

Actually the overall knowledge that this temple serves, is actual time itself. As it has stood the test of time, it is also a subject of such. This one temple is connected to almost all of the gods and goddess, and in a most revealing way.

You have seen it before, even read about it… 
But now you will again see, and see you shall.

This is truly a temple of a million years, in every sense of the word.


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